About Xavier Robles de Medina

Xavier Robles de Medina is a representational artist from Suriname, South-America. The grandson of a painter and sculptor, he was introduced to art at a very early age. He spent most of his free time watching Disney animated classics, as well as admiring the Impressionists and the Post-Impressionists from his grandfather's books. Xavier would draw from them, trace them, and imitate them. He got to know Degas and Van Gogh, and became intimate with Cassatt. He would study and draw from his father's medical books, in an attempt to reach a higher level of understanding of the human form.
At sixteen he moved to Oxford, England to attend St.Clare's, Oxford, a prestigious boarding school. It was there that art completely took over his life and stands as an absolute turning point in his perception of life and his place in the world. He realized that nothing compares to the experience of making art. At graduation Xavier was awarded for his efforts in the arts, by the head of the art department at St.Clare's, Oxford. After graduating and receiving his bi-lingual International Baccalaureate Diploma, Xavier was accepted at the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) with an Honors Scholarship for his portfolio and has won several awards for his drawings. He is currently a senior at SCAD, where he has won several awards for his drawings and an honors scholarship for his portfolio. Xavier is pursuing his BFA in both animation and painting.
Interview with the Artist
How does sketching/drawing/painting still life imagery in class affect your own personal imagery?
When one sits down to draw, one must enjoy it and think about what it communicates. To me the purpose of the drawing exceeds the class assignment and becomes something a lot more personal and spiritual. Thus all my drawings affect my personal imagery, as everything I draw is inherently personal.
How did the Strathmore paper you used for the project affect your drawing (or painting) techniques?
The Strathmore Canvas Paper allowed me to go straight into the painting without having to prepare the paper. It saved me a lot of time and allowed me to use it in a sketchy manner, which is nice as it is oil paint and not as readily used for sketching.
Which artist(s) inspire you?
My absolute favorite artists tend to be either Baroque or Neo-Classicists. Caravaggio is my absolute favorite and I am tempted to call him the most inspiring painter. I love Jacques-Louis David for his heroism and power. Kathe Kollwitz inspires me because she evokes such sorrow, and Mary Cassatt and Degas both inspire me because of their elegance.
In terms of contemporary painters, I think James Valerio, Steven Assael, and Claudio Bravo are extremely inspiring for their color. I am truly grateful that I am able to work with and learn from some exceptional contemporary painters at SCAD, notably Mark Roger Walton and John Rise.
What advice would you give to beginning artists?
Do what you're good at doing and enjoy it. I have found that challenging myself and focusing on my weaknesses is less productive than working on something in my comfort zone. You will want to work more when you're enjoying it, which will make you better, and make you want to work even more.