Logan Childress

About Logan Childress

Logan Childress graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design, also known as "SCAD," where he earned his B.F.A. in Illustration. He continues to further his artistic skills by experimentation as well as collaboration with other artists. Inspired by anything around, his main focus is figures and portraits but has been known to produce a very wide range of work from tattoo designs to painted shoes. He hopes someday to be able to solely work as a freelance illustrator and travel.
Interview with the Artist
How does sketching/drawing/painting still life imagery in class affect your own personal imagery?
To be honest, still life used to be very boring to me and I didn't like it. However, I grew to realize the importance of it quickly in college. As I see it, still life is a base, a foundation to grow from and build upon, which has helped me get to a comfortable style with my own work.
How did the Strathmore paper you used for the project affect your drawing (or painting) techniques?
The mixed media paper was great. I'm not the type of artist to have one set medium I work with, so to have the freedom to work with anything that I felt would work was great. It really allowed me to get straight into the art, rather than worrying about what materials I could use.
Which artist(s) inspire you?
I love the work of individuals such as Sterling Hundley, James Jean, John Foster, and Sam Weber, as well as younger artists such as Tran Nguyen and Beatriz Martin-Vidal.
What advice would you give to beginning artists?
Don't be afraid of what people will say about your art. There's always going to be someone that doesn't like it. If it's something you have a passion for, pursue it. Also, try not to compare yourself to other artists; our art is a representation of ourselves not of someone else's.