Scott Garant

Strathmore® Decorative White Photo Mount Cards and Strathmore® White Photo Frame Cards
Scott studied darkroom-based photojournalism while living in Windsor and later studied digital photography at various colleges in Ontario. Aspiring to move beyond representational photography, and inspired by Impressionism and Abstract Expressionism, he decided to use his camera to 'paint' his distinctive photographs. While pursuing a diploma in American Sign Language interpretation, he met his creative partner, Richard Manilla, and they formed Garilla Photography and Visual Art to market and promote their work.
Scott's award-winning work has been showcased at art shows in New York City, Toronto and all over Ontario. His work can be found in private collections in Canada, the U.S., and as far away as New Zealand. He is currently working on a further study of light reflections. Scott's artistic photography is featured on our Strathmore® Decorative White Photo Mount Cards and Strathmore® White Photo Frame Cards.