Artist Newsletter Archives

Strathmore Artist Newsletter: Spring 2012
In our Spring 2012 edition of the Artist Newsletter, we celebrate our 120-year anniversary by taking a journey through our past. See how Strathmore has evolved over the years while keeping the same commitment to quality, performance and longevity of our fine art paper.

Strathmore Artist Newsletter: Winter 2012
Illustrator Victor Kerlow describes how living in New York City has influenced his work. Read about Victor’s techniques for drawing inspiration from his surroundings.2011

Strathmore Artist Newsletter: Autumn 2011
Artist Susan Lyon describes how Strathmore 400 Series Drawing paper enhances her figure drawing process and technique.
Strathmore Artist Newsletter: Summer 2011
Artist Lisa Adams describes how Strathmore 500 Series Bristol enhances her drawing and illustration techniques.
Strathmore Artist Newsletter: Spring 2011
Artist Dorrie Rifkin shares her "controlled chaos" style of painting using Strathmore® Illustration Board. She walks readers through the 4 steps to her watercolor success and displays some of her exquisite pieces from Coney Island.
Strathmore Artist Newsletter: Winter 2011
Artist Peter Jacobs writes about why he started creating collages, how his process has changed with technology and his commitment to making a collage every day from the morning paper.2010

Strathmore Artist Newsletter: Autumn 2010
Artist Roz Stendahl talks about making her own journals and books using Strathmore® Aquarius II® watercolor paper. She discusses the benefits of using this versatile paper and offers tips for creating your own journal.
Strathmore Artist Newsletter: Summer 2010
Artist Henry Pernell Johnson explains his oil wash technique using both oil and acrylic washes on Strathmore® 500 Series Illustration Board.
Strathmore Artist Newsletter: Spring 2010
Artist Melissa B. Tubbs writes about her love of architecture and its
preservation through drawing.
Strathmore Artist Newsletter: Winter 2009
Artist William Rose writes about discovering his artistic talent at the age of 47 and how it changed his life.
Strathmore Artist Newsletter: Autumn 2009
Artist Georgette Jones writes about how experimenting with materials and techniques has been vital to developing her own style.

Artist George Max writes about his journey into the art world, his inspiration and tips for a successful drawing project.

Gene Ploss tells about his love of drawing faces and his discovery of miniature works of art called Art Cards, Editions & Originals (ACEOs). Download the eNewsletter to learn how ACEOs opened up a whole new world to Gene and his artwork.

In this inspirational article Sherie Sloane offers up some great tips on how to regain your motivation when the creative wellsprings have dried up. Also included in this season's eNewsletter is news about The Great Holiday Swap for Artist Trading Cards and a look at our featured product, Strathmore® Inkjet Iron-On Transfer Sheets plus Questions From Our Artists.

In this autobiographical article Brice Miller gives us a first hand account of his experiences and influences as an artist. Also included in this season's eNewsletter is information on the The Great Holiday Swap for Artist Trading Cards and a look at the new Strathmore® Hemp Charcoal Paper, plus Questions From Our Artists.

In the article Organizing Chaos Lori Baratta draws from her experience as a professional artist to give us some tips and techniques. Lori explains her methods that enable her to smoothly operate an art business. Also included in this season's eNewsletter is a look at the new Artist Trading Cards, plus Questions From Our Artists.

In the article Looking for Greener Options, The question of "environmentally friendly" options in fine art paper is discussed. Topics such as recycled material content, clean, renewable energy and alternative fibers are introduced. Also included are some frequently asked questions from our website and a look at the Strathmore® Inkjet Iron-On Transfer Sheets.

In the article Thoughts on Being a Freelance Illustrator, Steve Bjorkman gives us a look into the world of a freelance artist. From details to deadlines, Steve describes many of the jobs he's worked on over the years as well as how the profession has changed. Also included in this seasons eNewsletter are some frequently asked questions from our website and a look at our new Square and Landscape Fine Art Pads.

Gayle Rock explains some of her techniques for getting the perfect shot. With tips like filling the frame, changing your angle, the rule of thirds and seeing the light, you will feel more comfortable using your camera and will be able to take great photographs. Also included in this seasons eNewsletter are some frequently asked questions from our website and a look at New Strathmore® Greeting Cards.

In A Picture Book Tale, Carol Schwartz describes how she came to be a children's book illustrator and her illustration processes. Learn why Carol prefers Strathmore® paper and has chosen to illustrate over forty children's books on Strathmore® Bristol. Also included are some frequently asked questions from our website and a look at the Strathmore® Inkjet Photo Album.

In our Spring eNewsletter, Don Getz sheds some light on how he prepares Strathmore's Aquarius II® sheets for his watercolor projects. Read all about it in the article, That Great Paper. Also included in this seasons eNewsletter is the article, Advertising Then and Now and a look at the new Strathmore Kids® Tracing Paper, Colored Art Board and White Art Board.

In our Winter eNewsletter, Roxie Munro, an award winning children's book author/illustrator, provides a unique look into her thought process and inspiration for new book ideas in How do you get your ideas? Also included in this seasons eNewsletter is the article, Nature Inspires Artists and Artist Papers and a look at the New Black Presentation Board!

In our Autumn eNewsletter, Cathy Welner draws inspiration for her watercolor paintings from the beauty of the world around us. Read all about it in The Role of Art. Also included is the article, Strathmore Museum Mounting Board Designed for the Test of Time.

In our Summer eNewsletter, Laurie Caple explains her creative process and the challenges of being a picture book artist in Thirty-Two Sheets of White. Also included is the article, The Paper Ladder: Selecting a Sheet for Your Work, and Holiday Gifts for Creative Kids.

In our Spring eNewsletter, Marilynn Fairchild demonstrates different creative results using a variety of Strathmore artist papers in her Figure Study Series. Also included is the article, A Brush Up on Watercolor Paper and the latest addition to the Strathmore Artist Papers line, The Windpower Series.

In our Winter eNewsletter, artist Julie Rauer's Watercolor Paintings Interpret Science Through An Asian Prism in Absence of Water. Also included is the article, The Art and Science of Artist Paper and the latest addition to the Strathmore Artist Papers line, The Windpower Series.

In our autumn newsletter, emerging artist Mark Fortier talks about the challenges of drawing people in Overcoming the Fear of People. Also included is the article Artistic Gifts This Holiday Season, New Craft Project Online, and information about recent additions to the Strathmore Artist line.

In our spring newsletter, renowned illustrator John Kascht offers his thoughts on satirical work in Scavenging: The Art of Pop Culture Caricature. Also included is the article Fun With Strathmore Thai Dye Paper, and information about recent additions to the Strathmore Artist line.

In our winter newsletter, Luana Luconi Winner provides insight into how she utilizes digital technology in Computer Papers: New Uses in the Portrait Studio. Other articles include, Surface Treatment of Inkjet Paper for Enhanced Image Permanency, and Craft Project Online.

In our autumn newsletter, James Mundie takes us through his inspiration and creative process in Prodigies: Portrait Drawings of Unusual Characters. Other articles include, Choosing the Right Paper for Inkjet Printing, New Products, Holiday Memory Book.

In our summer newsletter, Christopher Switzer walks us through the process of restoring old, scratched and wrinkled photographs in Restoring History. Other articles include, The World of Papermaking, Testing Your Own Color, Digital Photo Paper, Watercolor Gift Bag.

In our spring newsletter, Peter Reynolds, illustrator and children's book author, talks about his achievements and provides eight steps to help you on the road to success. Read The Anatomy of One Illustrator's Success in Publishing. Other articles include, The Physics of Lightfast Color, Choosing a Watercolor Paper,Graduate Keepsake Journal.

In our winter newsletter, portrait painter Luana Luconi Winner provides the materials she uses and the steps she takes to capture the true essence of her subjects. Other articles include, Watercolor Journal Project, Three New Pads and How Long Does Paper Last?

In our fall newsletter, Sharon Tietjen Pratt walks you through a step-by-step rendering of an animal portrait using our Museum Mounting Board and colored pencils. Other articles include, Mounting Your Artwork, Two Great Holiday Projects, Call to Entry, and the Artist Message Board.

In this quarter's newsletter we have a great pencil demonstration on our 500 Series Bristol, Plate finish by Phil Metzger. In Phil's new book, Pencil Magic, he gives us a step-by-step demonstration of Old Hickory drawn in pencil. Other articles include, Summer Vacation Journal Project, Paper Weight: What Does It Mean?, and Selecting a Strathmore Drawing Board.