Brent Anderson

Brent Anderson was born in Lubbock, TX in 1964. Although not formally trained as an artist, he has been an artist all his life. From an early age, he was drawn to art and could always be found creating, building, or drawing something as a child. Brent's creative side comes out in the kitchen as well, where he loves to create and experiment with new dishes. He expressed his passion for art through intricate and detailed drawings of wildlife or outdoor settings. Brent created several drawings on consignment for both individuals and for commercial applications as well. His work can be found hanging in homes across the West Texas area. Brent has been married to his beautiful wife Susan for 26 years, and has three wonderful children. Susan is a cancer survivor and will celebrate 12 years cancer free in February. He founded the 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization: In My Father's Eyes, Inc. in 2014 to bless families of children diagnosed with cancer, or families who have lost children to this horrible disease with framed portraits of these beautiful fighters. In My Father's Eyes provides all of this at no cost to the families. If you would like you can contact Brent here.
You can also find him on on the web at or on Instagram and Facebook.