Journal 6 - Shelburne
Strathmore's rich history of innovation includes introducing one of the first recycled art papers in 1972. Called Shelburne Phase II Sketch, this book is named after our first recycled sketch pad.

Niv Bavarsky
Los Angeles, California
Title: N.A
Medium: Acrylic, Flashe, Gouache, Crayon and Color Pencil
Niv Bavarsky is an artist/illustrator from Los Angeles, CA. His work has appeared in the New York Times, New Yorker, WIRED, and more.

Matthew Houston
Mesa, AZ
Title: Rivals
Medium: Ink and Watercolor
Matthew Houston is a prolific artist who uses figures and symbols to express the longing for an unknown past and the pervading rootless confusion of the present.

Alex Ghosttthead
La Coruña, Galicia
Title: Spirit of Coruña
Medium: Ink and watercolor
Once upon a time there were gods only, and no mortal creatures. But when the time came that these also should be created, the gods fashioned one out of instant ramen and Marlboro’s ashes: Ghosttthead.

Xulia Pisón
A Coruña, A Coruña
Title: Ink!
Medium: Pencil, Ink
Illustrator. Comic maker.

Paula Esteban
A Coruña, A Coruña
Title: Mr. Tembo
Medium: Ink
PAULA ESTEBAN has been alive since 1991 in A Coruña. She is graphic designer and illustrator and spend the day watching films, drawing, listening to music and eating chips without control.

Jose Doming
A Coruña, Galicia
Title: Whacky Car
Medium: Colored pencils
Comic Artist, author of the Eisner Awards nominated 'Adventures of Japanese Businessman' and 'Pablo & Jane and the Hot Air Contraption'

Jorge Peral
A Coruña, Galicia
Title: Don't Move!
Medium: Ink
Jorge Peral is an illustrator and cartoonist from A Coruña "Spain". At present he works as art director in Gazpacho Games, an indie video game studio.

Roque Romero Rúa
Coruña, Spain
Title: Unusual Intersection
Medium: ink, color pencils, collage
Hello, my name is Roque Romero and I have a BA in Fine Arts, specializing in Design and Audiovisuals. I'm an illustrator, designer and 2D animator focusing on multimedia applications.

Simon Blanco
Title: A merenda
Medium: watercolors, color pencils, marquets
Bookseller, Illustrator, always delaying all projects while starting new ones

Miguel Robledo
Ourense, Spain
Title: Frankenstein and the fairies
Medium: Watercolor and acrilic
I feel naked without my sketchbook

Isabell Seidel
Rouzós - Amoeir, Ourense - Galicia
Title: Ahnengalerie
Medium: Rotring "Tikky", watercolor, sewing machine and embroidery thread
Painter, illustrator and constantly thinking about the next project.

Inmaculada Otero Carrasco
Alcalá de Guadaíra, Sevilla
Title: I don't know where I go.
Medium: Watercolors
Doctora en Artes Visuales y Educación, me dedico a la ilustración de manera intermitente mientras me enredo en probar materiales y enseño a la gente a pintar.

Celia Burgos Romero
Sevilla, Sevilla
Medium: Watercolors and color pencils
I draw so I breathe.

Manuel Jesús Blanco Mesa
Sevilla, Sevilla
Title: MyDay&MyNight
Medium: Watercolor & Pencils
Me acerco a los pinceles de manera autodidacta y por pura necesidad. Aprendiz de todo y maestro de nada. Cercano a los urban sketchers. Alguna exposición individual y muchas casas en la cabeza.

IInma Serrano
Sevilla, Sevilla
Title: Who's Next?
Medium: Watercolor & color pencils
I am an art teacher in Spain. I keep my journal sketches as memories of the time I have spent in places that have made up my world, people who have shared everything with me.

Aurora Villaviejas Fatuarte
Sevilla, Sevilla
Title: Persan
Medium: Watercolor, graphite water-soluble
To be happy, I only need some pencils and a little time to play with them...

Sagar Fornies
Barcelona, Spain
Title: Donosita
Medium: Watercolor, ballpoint and color pencils
I came to Barcelona 20 years ago, where I studied Fine Arts and illustration. I started working as Art Director in an animation studio making scenery commissions, advertising, publishing and film work

Miguel Herranz
Barcelona, Cataluña
Title: My balcony
Medium: Ink, fineliners, ballpen, watercolor
I draw therefore I am