400 Series Toned Sketch

400 Series Toned Sketch

Weight: 80 lb. (25" x 38" x 500 sheets) 118 g/m2
Weight: 80 lb. (20" x 26" x 500 sheets) 216 g/mfor Toned Cards and Artist Tiles
Surface: Medium

Media Applications: Graphite, chalk, charcoal, sketching stick, markers, china markers, colored pencils, pens and white gel pens

Available in Warm Tan, Cool Gray and Steel Blue. This sketch paper is ideal for light and dark media. 100% recycled, contains 30% post-consumer fiber, acid free.

Pad Features: Wire Bound sheets are micro-perforated and are Actual Size when removed at the micro-perforation.

412-5, 412-105, and 412-205 are not micro-perforated but sheets are Actual Size when removed at the wire binding.

Toned Tan Toned Tan Toned GrayToned Gray Toned Blue Toned Blue
412-5 5.5" x 8.5" Toned Tan, Wire Bound (8.5") 50
412-9 9" x 12" Toned Tan, Wire Bound (12") 50
412-11 11" x 14" Toned Tan, Wire Bound (11") 24
412-18 18" x 24" Toned Tan, Wire Bound (18") 24
412-105 5.5" x 8.5" Toned Gray, Wire Bound (8.5") 50
412-109 9" x 12" Toned Gray, Wire Bound (12") 50
412-111 11" x 14" Toned Gray, Wire Bound (11") 24
412-118 18" x 24" Toned Gray, Wire Bound (18") 24
412-205 5.5" x 8.5" Toned Blue, Wire Bound (8.5") 50
412-209 9" x 12" Toned Blue, Wire Bound (12") 50
412-211 11" x 14" Toned Blue, Wire Bound (11") 24
412-218 18" x 24" Toned Blue, Wire Bound (18") 24
Item #SizeDescriptionRolls
413-42 42" x 10 yds. Toned Tan 1
413-142 42" x 10 yds. Toned Gray 1
469-5 5.5" x 8.5" Tan, Hard Bound (8.5") 128
469-8 8.5" x 11" Tan, Hard Bound (11") 128
469-105 5.5" x 8.5" Gray, Hard Bound (8.5") 128
469-108 8.5" x 11" Gray, Hard Bound (11") 128
481-5 5.5" x 8" Tan, Softcover Bound(8") 112
481-7 7.75" x 9.75" Tan, Softcover Bound (9.75") 112
481-105 5.5" x 8" Gray, Softcover Bound (8") 112
481-107 7.75" x 9.75" Gray, Softcover Bound (9.75") 112
413-19 19" x 24" Tan 1
413-119 19" x 24" Gray 1
413-219 19" x 24" Blue 1
105-469 5" x 6.875" Toned Gray Cards and Envelopes 10
105-977 4" x 4" Toned Tan Tiles 30
105-978 4" x 4" Toned Gray Tiles 30

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