100 Series Youth Project Ideas
Textured Owl

Project Idea: Mixed Media Paper
- Tear out a page from an old phone book. Then use a ruler to make torn edges on all four sides of the page.
- Crumple the page, smooth it out, and use a glue stick to glue it firmly to a sheet of Strathmore® Mixed Media paper.
- Paint over the phone book page with white acrylic paint. The paint should be spread thin and/or watered down so that some of the text on the phone book paper shows through when finished. Let dry.
- Use a pencil to draw an owl sitting on a branch as shown. Add a moon in the sky if you like. Then trace the lines with a black permanent marker.
- Color in the owl and branch with crayons. The harder you color, the better the picture will look.
- Color in the background. Add a softly colored edge around the entire picture as a finishing touch.
Materials Needed:
• mixed media paper
• page from old phone book
• ruler
• glue stick
• paintbrush
• white acrylic paint
• black permanent marker
• crayons
Age Range:
7 and up
Project Time:
45 minutes
(1 session – 15 min.
1 session – 30 min.)
Artwork by:
Art Projects for Kids