Anna Fox Ryan

About Anna Fox Ryan

Anna Fox Ryan is an oil painter with a passion for drawing. Based in Philadelphia, PA, she is a lecturer on drawing for Strathmore and on oil painting for Gamblin Artist Colors. She has been a guest speaker at academies including the Grand Central Academy in New York, School of Visual Arts in New York and the University of Pennsylvania among others. Fox Ryan's work has been featured in numerous publications including American Artist Drawing Magazine, Art Calendar Magazine and The South Magazine. Fox Ryan exhibits in both the U.S. and in Portugal. She is originally from Charlottesville, Virginia and holds a degree from the Savannah College of Art and Design.
Interview with the Artist
How did you interpret using the Strathmore Thistle for the pad cover artwork? Anything else you'd like to share about your piece?
For this project I chose to adapt my Power Series (drawing section of and base the composition around Strathmore's thistle logo.
How did the Strathmore paper you used for the project affect your drawing (or painting) techniques?
With the original Power Series I'd become accustomed to working on a rough, heavy weight surface in charcoal. Because Strathmore's Sketch paper is a light weight paper with a semi-tooth I had to change my medium from charcoal to graphite. On the Sketch paper I was able to control subtle value shifts and contrast them with crisp line work. It was different from the aggression that I usually attack my drawings with, however the result was equally as successful.
Which artists inspire you?
Scheile, Muncha, Sophie Jodoin, Degas, Antonio Lopez Garcia, Alex Kanevsky, Jim Dine
What advice would you give to beginning artists?
Understand your materials so you can better understand how to manipulate them. Drawing and painting are difficult enough without having to battle your tools. By fully understanding the capabilities and limitations of your materials you can make them work for you, not against you.
Ask for critiques from other artists every chance you can. Never turn down an opportunity to learn or gain deeper insight into your work and that of others.