
Realistic Watercolor Workshop Starts March 5!

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Workshop 1, Realistic Watercolor for Beginners, starts on Monday, March 5! In this FREE online course, artist Kelly Eddington will guide you through four video lessons demonstrating her techniques for creating realistic watercolor pieces. 

You'll be able to see all four lessons here:

Here’s the schedule – all videos will be posted on their start date at 9:00am CST:

March 5, 2018
Lesson 1:  Card with Spring Landscape

Masking fluid is a watercolor artist’s secret weapon, and we will use it to create a painting of a flowering tree in a spring landscape. And if you would like to paint multiple cards, you’ll see how easy it is to develop variations on this tree to suit your color preferences. Magnolia? Red bud? Apple? Forsythia? The choice is yours.

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March 12, 2018
Lesson 2:  Bubble Gum Still Life

This workshop is about something many beginning artists don’t consider: reflected light. We’ll learn how colorful objects can influence each other. This effect is surprisingly easy to replicate with wet-into-wet watercolor, and we’ll practice that by painting a few gum balls. We’ll also learn how to create the candy’s shiny surface using masking fluid.

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March 19, 2018
Lesson 3: Practicing Facial Features

How do you paint something difficult? It helps if you break it down into small parts and tackle them one at a time. We will practice painting a sheet of individual eyes, noses, and mouths in various positions. Feeling scared? Paint with a single color. Feeling brave? Try full color. It’s the easiest way to dip your artistic big toe into the ocean of portrait painting.

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March 26, 2018
Lesson 4: Limited-Palette Painting 

We’ll use skills learned in Week 3’s workshop to paint a limited-palette watercolor portrait using your choice of colors. After drawing a pencil outline of our subject’s main features, we will use masking fluid to establish highlights. Then comes the fun part: we will coat the entire sheet of paper with several analogous colors. Once that is dry, we will work on the features using a darker color. This colorful twist on an old-school exercise is popular for a reason: it makes portrait painting a lot less intimidating.

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After a video is posted on the site, it will be available for viewing for the remainder of the year. You can watch at your own pace anytime, as many times as you'd like.


Strathmore Products:


  • Palette: It needs to be white and you can use one with special wells and mixing areas or try a white plate or tray
  • Board or cardboard to paper onto
  • Blue painter’s tape
  • Pencil/eraser
  • Paper towels
  • Masking fluid and rubber cement pick-up or eraser
  • Masking fluid applicator (old brush, awl, toothpick, etc)


  • #1, #4, #10 rounds
  • 3/4″ flat brush
  • Mop or large flat brush
  • You can always add more!

Watercolor paints in tubes (student-grade if you’re a beginner). Color recommendations from Kelly:

  • Cadmium yellow light
  • Cadmium yellow medium
  • Cadmium red light
  • Alizarin crimson
  • Ultramarine blue
  • Prussian or Phthalo blue
  • Cerulean
  • Hooker’s green/li>
  • Permanent green light
  • Dioxazine mauve
  • Burnt sienna
  • Sepia

Other handy but optional colors include:

  • Magenta
  • Opera (hot pink)
  • Turquoise
  • Light Skin
  • Yellow Ochre
  • Cobalt Blue

We can't wait to see you there! Show us what you make on Instagram using #StrathmoreWorkshops

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