Meet Artist William Rose

Featured artist in our Winter 2009 Artist eNewsletter.
William Rose’s studio is located in Prairie Village, Kansas, where he has been actively creating artwork for about 8 years. He stumbled across his passion for drawing quite unintentionally and soon began accepting a flurry of offers for commissioned portraits. Practically overnight he went from a person who thought stick-figures would be the grand extent of his artistic expression, to a professional fine artist creating portraits and figurative artwork in multiple mediums and being accepted into prestigious juried shows and competitions. “I wish everyone could experience such an extraordinary surprise – it changed my entire perspective on life and sent me down a new creative path I continue to travel today.”
William enrolled in life drawing courses at the Kansas City Art Institute, and began to study drawing and painting primarily by pouring through art instruction and history books, countless magazines, and visiting museums across the country to view the masters. During this time, he was appointed to the art committee for a major international corporation’s new world headquarters, which exposed him to a vast realm of art media and processes, assembling a remarkable collection of artwork by regional artists. Recently, he won a prestigious cover competition and his work appeared on the cover of American Artist Magazine. This national exposure led to a request to produce all of the artwork for a new movie just filmed in Carmel and backed by the Eastwoods about an art prodigy who gets pulled into the world of international art forgery. “Up until this past year, creating artwork had been an evening/weekend activity, but now I’ve taken the creative leap through the open window and transitioned to a career as a full-time artist.”