Strathmore Ready Cut Watercolor Sheets, Cold Press, 100% cotton, 140lb/300gsm – Tin uses 5”x7” sheets for practice and 8”x10” sheets for finished pieces
Tropical Botanicals in Watercolor
Get your materials ready and let's paint a Tropical paradise together!
This Workshop is packed with easy-to-learn techniques, perfect for painting tropical botanicals like plumerias, birds of paradise, monsteras, and caladiums. We’ll learn watercolor skills like creating graded washes in a monochromatic palette, glazing, variegated washes, wet-on-wet, and adding gouache backgrounds. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, this class is open to all. This series would include practice demonstrations and guide you through full step-by-step processes to paint botanical illustrations.
Lesson 1: Painting Monsteras using the Graded Wash Technique
Let's kick things off by learning the graded wash technique; a skill that will enable us to paint soft, monochromatic monsteras in watercolor. This fundamental wash is the key to creating seamless gradients that smoothly transition from dark to light, gradually blending into the white of the paper. This technique creates tonal values, giving our illustrations a more realistic appearance.
Lesson 2: Painting Tropical Leaves using the Glazing Technique
In our next lesson we'll dive into painting two varieties of caladium leaves using the wet-on-dry technique, also known as the "glazing" technique. We’ll learn how to build up layers to add more details, depth and dimension to our watercolor illustrations.
Lesson 3: Painting Plumerias with Watercolor and Gouache
Apart from learning how to paint beautiful plumerias in watercolor, this lesson will demonstrate some tips and tricks in using gouache to create backgrounds, enhancing the visual impact of our floral illustrations.
Lesson 4: Painting Birds of Paradise using Multiple Painting Techniques
For our last lesson, we'll apply the techniques covered in all our previous lessons. Get ready to paint Birds of Paradise using the Graded Wash, Variegated Wash, Wet-on-Dry, and Wet-on-Wet techniques.

Strathmore 400 Series Watercolor Pad, 9"x12"

- Princeton Aqua Elite Round Brush Size 1
- Princeton Aqua Elite Round Brush Size 2
- Princeton Aqua Elite Round Brush Size 4
MaimeriBlu Watercolor Paint
- Hookers Green
- Sap Green
- Cadmium Yellow Medium
- Permanent Orange
- Rose Madder
- Permanent Violet Blue
Maimeri Gouache Paint
- Titanium White
- Sap Green
- Carmine
Other Supplies
- Ceramic Palette
- Two cups of water
- Tissue