Summer Newsletter


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The Summer Edition of our Artist Newsletter is here and features Sarah Becktel’s 5-step process for creating dimensional animal drawings on Toned Mixed Media paper. Sarah got the opportunity to spend hours in the American Museum of Natural History, observing and drawing taxidermy specimens.

“I had hundreds of animal subjects (that stayed still) right at my fingertips, and by observing the animals in three-dimensional space, I got a much better understanding of my subjects’ structure and anatomy.”

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Typically Sarah relies on photo references when drawing animal imagery for her art. While they work relatively well, photographs have a tendency to flatten and distort subjects. They can never fully replace the act of drawing from life, but it isn't always easy to draw animals. Typically they don't stay still or it's hard to even see wild animals in person, let alone draw them. 

Did you know most museums will allow drawing during normal hours, and many even have classes, sketch nights or special drawing events where artists can work without the typical museum crowds? Drawing from taxidermy specimens at museums is a great way to get some in-person drawing experience with accurate representations of the animal. 

Read about Sarah's technique, material recommendations, and 5 step-by-step process in the Artist Newsletter.

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Strathmore Toned Mixed Media – A Perfect Hybrid
Our Toned Sketch and Mixed Media papers have become top favorite among artists. We’re proud to introduce a perfect hybrid that combines these two papers for a unique toned surface suitable for both wet and dry media applications. Learn more in the Artist Newsletter.

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2017 Online Workshops
Our FREE 2017 Online Workshops are in full swing! You can follow along to our free video lessons, brought to you by experienced artists who will demonstrate their tips, techniques and ideas on 3 different topics:

  1. Brush Lettering & Watercolor with Jess Park
  2. Techniques in Pastel Art with Amy Pearce Stone
  3. Ethereal Mixed Media on Toned Paper with Georgina Kreutzer
    Start Date: September 4, 2017

Learn more in the Artist Newsletter.

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Monthly Giveaway! Show us Your Vision, Win Strathmore Products!

Our new Vison pads come with blank mixed media covers that you can customize with your own art. Post your custom cover to Instagram, use #strathmorecovers, and you could be randomly selected as one of our monthly giveaway prize winners. Learn more in the Artist Newsletter.

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Questions from Our Website: How do I seal a charcoal drawing?
There are many opinions as to whether or not a charcoal drawing should be sealed with a fixative upon completion. If you decide to go that route, there are a number of recommended steps and precautions you should consider to get the best outcome for your art. Read about it in the Artist Newsletter.

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