
Oil Painting on Canvas with Layne Johnson

Join artist Layne Johnson in a step-by-step guide to creating realistic landscape oil paintings! The series starts with the basics, showing you how to use an underpainting to create a foundation for the landscape. Subsequent videos cover essential techniques for painting beautiful clouds, landscapes with depth, and finishing touches.


► Strathmore 300 Series Stretched Canvas

► Maimeri Puro Oil Paints

► Princeton Catalyst Brushes

► Princeton Imperial Brushes

► Princeton Velvetouch Brushes

► Princeton Select Artiste Brushes

► Princeton Aspen Brushes

► Lyra Polycrayons


Check out the full series below:


Video 1: The Magic of an Underpainting

In this video, artist Layne Johnson demonstrates his technique for creating an underpainting with a focus on using burnt sienna to achieve a beautiful luminosity.

Video 2: How to Paint Beautiful Clouds

In this video, Layne unveils his secrets for painting stunning clouds!

Video 3: How to Paint Landscapes with Real Depth

Next in the series, Layne Johnson shares his techniques for creating landscapes bursting with depth!

Video 4: Secrets to Finishing a Painting

In the final tutorial of the series, you'll learn Layne's "secret weapon" for knowing exactly when to stop tinkering and call your masterpiece complete.

Check out more teachings and art inspiration on Layne's socials:

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