Strathmore T-Shirt Design Contest

Attention Artists!
The Strathmore Team needs some swag and we want your help! We want to wear t-shirts to shows, events and promotional activities that tout an original design. The artist whose artwork we select to be printed on our t-shirts will win $1,000!
The winning shirt design will be screen printed in one color. Simple designs will reproduce better and will improve the chances of your design being selected.
Deadline for Entry: July 31, 2016
The t-shirts will be worn by the Strathmore team at events throughout the country and will also be handed out as giveaway prizes at various shows and retail stores. The artist selected for t-shirts will be credited by name on t-shirts and wherever artwork is featured.
- $1,000 and 12 t-shirts to the artist whose artwork is chosen for the Strathmore Team t-shirt
- Three runner-ups will receive $250 retail value of Strathmore Product
Artwork Requirements
- Style, subject matter, and mediums used are at the discretion of the artist. Objectionable content will result in disqualification.
- The Strathmore logo will be added to the winning design by the Strathmore team.
- Strathmore will determine the final layout and placement of the artwork on the t-shirt
- T-shirt and imprint color TBD by Strathmore.
Copyright and Ownership Rights
Artist retains all copyrights and ownership of original artwork created for this contest. The artist grants Strathmore permission to reproduce artwork on Strathmore Team t-shirts.
Anyone is welcome and encouraged to submit artwork. There is no fee to participate. Art will be selected based on aesthetic qualities and technical skill. Artwork will be selected by a panel of 7 representatives of Strathmore Artist Papers.
For full details and to submit your artwork, click here.