Does Art Paper Have a "Right" Side?

Have you ever gotten a new pad and wondered which side is the "right" one to use? The answer is, it depends! This article will shed light on the subtle or not so subtle differences between the two sides of art paper.

The Two Sides of Paper: Felt vs. Wire

The key lies in the papermaking process. The felt side, the one that usually faces you in a pad, is where the magic happens. A dandy roll or marking felt presses into the wet pulp, creating that beautiful texture we love. This texture can vary depending on the paper's purpose. For example, drawing paper typically has a smooth felt side with a hint of texture, while cold press watercolor paper has a more rough and textured surface, perfect for washes and bold marks.

Left: Strathmore 400 Series Watercolor Paper, Right: Strathmore 400 Series Drawing Paper

The other side, the wire side, has its own story. This side travels across a fine mesh screen on the paper machine, which can leaves its faint imprint on the paper. It might feel a bit smoother than the felt side, but some artists use it for special effects!

Choosing a Side

The felt side is generally the side that artists choose. The texture and absorbency are specifically designed to enhance your art. However, that doesn't mean the wire side is useless! Many artists use the wire side for sketching or for techniques where a smoother surface is preferred. Ultimately, the best side to use depends on your personal preference.

Can't Tell the Difference?

Can't tell the felt from the wire? The felt side usually has a more random pattern, like a fingerprint from the marking felt. The wire side, on the other hand, boasts a more uniform mesh-like texture, often in rectangles or diamonds. Since the felt side has more textural variation, it's usually easier to spot the wire mesh pattern.

We marked the felt and wire sides of our 400 Series Mixed Media paper with a carbon smudge to make the patterns visible.

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A, Felt side: Larger and irregular pattern

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B, Wire side: Finer, regular pattern of the wire mesh

So, the next time you reach for a new sheet of paper, take a moment to examine both sides and see which one you prefer! There's no right or wrong answer, so experiment and find what works best for your art.

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