Create More, Share More, Strathmore
We recently ventured into our local streets of Appleton, Wisconsin and gave away bags of free art materials at our 3rd Paper Drop Event! Each person that stopped by got 1 bag that included a Strathmore pad and a couple complementary art supplies. We are calling the project “Create More, Share More, Strathmore”.The goal is to bring more art to our local community, inspire more people to get their creative juices flowing, and just do a random act of artistic kindness. We hope you’ll be inspired to do your own random act of artistic kindness in your community by giving the gift of your art or art materials to someone who would appreciate it. Tell us about it on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter using #CreateMoreShareMore.
An extra special thanks goes out to our friends at General Pencil Company for donating some of their wonderful products for the event!